2) Select the Install disk for DF0: and the Workbench disk for DF1: by clicking the '.' For the rest of the drives, just insert any of the other disks. Selecting the Workbench 3.1 disks: 1) Go the Disk Drives tab and enable all four drives. Music patch: Code: Davorin Bogovi.Re: Surprise Amiga Workbench 3.1 Update, 20 Years Later by terriblefire Wed 8:49 pm Someone needs to run a kickstarter to buy and open source the Amiga-OS for all time. Special thanks to Balkan Pes Box for sharing their stadiums and 6 teams from ex- Yugoslavia. Special thanks to PESEdit team for sharing Bundesliga. Any kind of redistribution of these edited stadiums is strictly forbidden, unless original authors give their permission.

Full credits for these stadiums go to their original authors. Dens Park - made by ianscott.Ĭarpati Sinaia - made by Iepure. Banjica (Kralj Petar I) - made by Balkan Pes Box.Įmil Alecsandrescu - made by ianscott. To create more generic appearance, these stadiums have been slightly edited (global textures only) in order to remove most obvious local branding (wall boards, etc.): 1. 82, DP Studios, Steren, banner makers, stadium boards makers, etc. Hany, - cave, Stelios, majuh, BPB team, PESEdit team for Bundesliga, congdien. Bundesliga umjesto Eredivisie (4 Eredivisie kluba dostupna u Others Europe)- 6 klubova s podru. Hrvatska Nogometna Liga sa svim timovima, igra. 1, CGL, KTlin, junior.ĬROPES HNL Patch 2. Patch team (base OF, kits)juce, Robbie (kitserver), goldorakiller (OF edit tool)and others (vallter, Bug. U folder C: \Program Files\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2. U folder C: \Documents and Settings\My Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2. CROPES HNL Patch v1.5 Size: 185.58 MB Download: Preporuka: Patch instalirajte na orginal igru, bez ikakvih modova! DkZStudio 0.92Beta download.

Kako skinuti patch Bundesliga za PES 2015. Kako skinuti i instalirati pes 2015 patch 1.hnl patch MaxTv 1.liga patch 1. Nakon dugo vremena i napornog rada CROPES editori su zavr. LFP, EPL, Ligue 1 i Bundesligu, ocjene i dresove za sve ekipe kao i navijanja za neke HNL klubove i. The latest Tweets from Hrvatska PES zajednica / Croatian PES. Celtic FCRangers FCCrvena Zvezda CSKA Moscow. HNL umjesto Eredivisie, Bundesliga umjesto UEFA B, EPL i LFP– Navijanja za klubove: Hajduk, Dinamo, Osijek– Ispravni grbovi te imena za sva natjecanja, ekipe, igra. Za sve ljubitelje PESa, na objavljen je patch koji u igru ubacuje sve klubove iz 1.HNLa.ĬROPES HNL Patch v. PES 2016 SMoKE patch 8.0 BETA More Tags : pes 2016 patch hnl, cropes 2013, CROPES 2013 PATCH, cropes 2013 torrent, cropes. Find the best pes 2016 patches and news, articles and other great content also from Pro Evolution Soccer 2015, 2014! Home Articles Patch Edit. CROPES HNL Patch v1.0 Posted: Januin PES 2009 Patches.